Communications & Social Media Strategy.

Justin Bieber plays shirtless at your ping pong club, so what do you do next? From Bieber to Martha Stewart, SPIN attracted the A-List celebrities, but how you communicate and share that information is pivotal in a brands success.

Social Media is just one element that shares your point of view. So does media placements.

But while these are the foundation of how you must converse with your audience today more importantly is your brand voice and how to create a consistent language to your audience.

How do you respond to a negative review on Yelp? A positive one? What are you messaging to guests before they arrive? These are huge opportunities to establish a relationship with your consumer and need to be addressed and executed on a daily basis.

It’s a lot of work, but I have the previous experience to build, maintain and execute a comprehensive communication strategy to set you apart from your competition.